Our Company Carried Out Fire Training Drills to Ensure Safety Production

add time:2021/7/2

In order to implement the instructions on safety production of the relevant departments of the Minhe County, in-depth safety remediation, comprehensively improve the company's staff fire safety responsibility awareness and ensure the safety situation is stable and good, by holding a special meeting of the management personnel, Mr. Zhang Xuewen --the company’s Chairman and Mr. Ran Wanqiang-- the General Manager, identified the fire safety day of the public on July 2, 2021 as the theme of "launching fire safety training drills, ensuring safety production", and formulated the corresponding activity implementation plan. Such activities focus on safety production in full process and risks in all positions, employee fire knowledge promotion and actual operation skills were enhanced. Through the implementation of relevant activities, all employees have deepen the concept of "fire safety should be based on production and prevent problems." It has made a solid foundation for the safety of enterprises.

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